Tuesday, July 30, 2013

9 Unusual Dangerous Foods that might harm you

When you think of food you don’t think of hazardous, infection or death, but in this post you will see foods that can do just that. There are some products that are so unusual and dangerous that they can fight off any appetite, still people eat it.

Kæstur hákarl
Greenland sharks are dangerous not only while sailing to kayaking, but also for the stomach. Greenland shark urinates like crazy when in danger and huge amount of ammonia and trimethylamine oxide excreted through the tissues of sharks. Enterprising residents of Greenland developed a traditional dish known as the “Kæstur hákarl“. The smell of shark meat is almost unbearable, the consumer is faced with the potential threat of organ damage, toxicity and disease from the poisons that are still present in the meat. Still people eat it.

Kivak is extremely heavy on the stomach and a dangerous food. Ancient Icelandic food known as Kivak consists of fermented (in fact, decomposed) carcasses of small seabirds – guillemots and gulls. Birds who get caught in fish nets are seasoned with seal fat and burried in the ground for up to three years. Birds slowly marinate in seal fat in the cold arctic tundra. When its dug out, not only does it look disgusting, but it can be deadly because botulism.

Botulism is rare but sometimes fatal paralytic illness.

African poisonous bull frogs
African poisonous bull frogs from Namibia. Frog meat comprises potent toxin known as Oshiketakata which can cause kidney failure and death.
Nevertheless, meat frog comprises potent toxin known as Oshiketakata, which can lead to renal failure, muscle damage and even death. Recommendations for handling frogs include their favorites in a pot with special boards which supposedly “neutralize” the toxin. The level of venom is believed to be lower at certain times of the year when food is acceptable for the brave, or perhaps foolhardy, if it comes to handling wooden planks. We can not guarantee that the consumer will not croak

Braised Asian Bats
There are some foods which simply defy the imagination. Possibly the most counter intuitive food is Asian Bat soup, which contains an entire bat placed in a soup bowl after boiling with chicken broth. The bat is dissected with a knife and fork, and the broth is then eaten with a spoon, along with the innards of the bat. Hair is present in the dish, along with the membranes of the bat’s wings. The dish is rather delicious, but we are forced to conclude that it is very unappetizing to see an entire bat floating in front of us. The bats are also capable of carrying a number of human transmissible diseases, and the practice is considered unsustainable by many conservation organizations.

Octopus Tentacles
It is offered some exotic Japanese and Korean restaurants for Western Tourists seeking something different than sushi. Miniature alive octopuses get cut into two parts and served with some soy sauce. Because the animal is an invertebrate with a partially de-centralized nervous system, the tentacles continue to grap, coil and squeeze as they are consumed. In several unfortunate and eerie cases, death has resulted from the disembodied tentacles conspiring to block the airways of diners.
Caviar is a popular dish in Russia, and snails are a popular French dish. Extreme entrepreneurs are engaged in the popularization of a new dish, a delicacy known as “cochlear caviar”, which consists of raw eggs from land snails. The eggs are served on the hard-boiled quail eggs, or with grilled vegetables and exotic salads. They come neatly packaged in small jars with wonderful seasoning, which carries the taste of fresh earth. Raw snail eggs contain brain parasites, which already killed quite a few extreme food lovers.

Snake Burger
Snake Burger made from cobras, rattlesnake and other snake meat can be enjoyed in South-East Asia. Snake meat is perfectly safe but if a chef fails to remove skin from meat correctly toxin will get into the meat.

Inner Organs of Animals
The insides of the digestive, reproductive and nervous systems of some animals are placed in the heart of some of the grotesque, but surprisingly popular dishes. A variety of dishes using membrane of the stomach, intestines and even the testicles of cows and sheep. Lamb testicles are among the most popular, and are served breaded in marinated sauce. In Europe, the dish can be served, known as “offal”, which is made from pig intestines. Head of sheep and fish eyes also appear in the menu. Risks of fatal infections from parasites led to a number of deaths in European restaurants. Cant say how many deaths this caused in countries where health and safety isnt as important as in European restaurants.

Crow pie
Crow pie is the last dish on the list which is popular in Lithuania. Birds are caught at a fairly young age, fried in oil and then served with a plate of grilled vegetables. Meat is rumored to act as an aphrodisiac.
Concerns have been raised over the possibility of contracting diseases from these scavengers. Crow is not considered Kosher or Halal for these reasons.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Changing DNS setting in Windows 8

Here we'll show you how to manually assign DNS (Domain Name Service) servers for your Internet connection using Windows 8.
1.     Open the Control Panel. You can either:
·         On the Start screen, type 'Control Panel' and click on the Control Panel link in the the search results
·         In desktop mode, open the Charms menu, choose settings and then select Control Panel
If you need help with either of the above steps, please see our Windows 8 basics guide.
2.     From the Control Panel, under Network and Internet, click View network status and tasks.

3.     Click the link next to Connections on the right.
This screenshot shows a wireless connection to a Plusnet router so the link is Wifi (PlusnetWireless). If you're using a wired connection the link will be named differently.

4.     On the connection status window, click Properties.

5.     Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) from the list, then click Properties.

6.     Select Use the following DNS server addresses, and enter:
·         Preferred DNS server:
·         Alternate DNS server:

7.     Finally click OK on this and the previous windows to save your changes.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Lost Egyptian City of Heracleion Finally Revealed After 1200-Years

Finally, the lost Egyptian city of Heracleion has been revealed after spending 1,200-years under sea. Researchers discovered amazingly well-preserved artifacts 30-feet under the surface of the Mediterranean Sea in Aboukir Bay, near Alexandria that tell the story of a vibrant classical-era port.
According to the Telegraph: "Leading research now suggests that Thonis-Heracleion served as a mandatory port of entry for trade between the Mediterranean and the Nile." Researchers say that the immense weight of large buildings on the region's water-logged clay, combined with sand soil, may have caused it to sink in the wake of an earthquake.
Category: Pics, Video

Monday, March 18, 2013

5 Beautiful Roads You Must Drive Before You Die

If you haven't already planned a road trip for this upcoming summer, be sure to add some of these beautiful roads to your "must-see" list. They include Highway 1, Big Sur (above) to a windy road in China.

5. White Rim Road, Canyonlands National Park (Utah, USA)
The 100-mile White Rim Road loops around and below the Island mesa top and provides expansive views of the surrounding area. Trips usually take two to three days by four-wheel-drive vehicle or three to four days by mountain bike. All vehicles and bikes must remain on roads. ATVs and non-street legal dirt bikes are not permitted. Pets are also not permitted, even in vehicles.

4. Highway 1, Big Sur (California, USA)
State Route 1 (SR 1) is a major north-south state highway that runs along most of the Pacific coastline of the U.S. state of California. Highway 1 has several portions designated as either Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), Cabrillo Highway, Shoreline Highway, or Coast Highway. SR 1 was built piecemeal in various stages, with the first section opening in the Big Sur region in the 1930s. However, portions of the route had several names and numbers over the years as more segments opened.

3. Tianmen Mountain Road (Hunan, China)
Tianmen Mountain is a mountain located within Tianmen Mountain National Park, Zhangjiajie, in northwestern Hunan Province, China. A cablecar was constructed by the French company Poma from nearby Zhangjiajie railway station to the top of the mountain. Tianmen Mountain Cableway is claimed in tourist publications as the "longest passenger cableway of high mountains in the world", with 98 cars and a total length of 7,455 metres and ascent of 1,279 metres. The highest gradient is an unusual 37 degrees. Tourists can walk on kilometres of paths built onto the cliff face at the top of the mountain.

2. Furka Pass (Switzerland)
Furka Pass (el. 2429 m.) is a high mountain pass in the Swiss Alps connecting Gletsch, Valais with Realp, Uri. The Furka-Oberalp-Bahn line through the Furka Tunnel bypasses the pass. The base tunnel opened in 1982 and replaced a tunnel at 2100 m. The Furka Pass was used as a location in the James Bond film Goldfinger.

1. Atlantic Ocean Road (Norway)
The Atlantic Ocean Road or the Atlantic Road is an 8.3-kilometer (5.2 mi) long section of County Road 64 which runs through an archipelago in Eide and Averoy in More og Romsdal, Norway. The fixed link passes by Hustadvika, an unsheltered part of the Norwegian Sea, connecting the island of Averoy with the mainland and Romsdalshalvoya peninsula. The road runs between the villages of Karvag on Averoy and Vevang in Eida. The road is built on several small islands and skerries, which are connected by several causeways, viaducts and eight bridges & the most prominent being Storseisundet Bridge.

Cultivating Love of Learning: A lesson From Bill Gates

A few weeks ago, Bill Gates hosted an Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) event at Reddit. While there were many questions asked and answered, here I’d like to focus on just one of them:

Q: What do you do for fun? I find it hard to fathom how someone like you can just disconnect. Disconnect from the emails, calls, the media. All of it. What would be your definition of a chill and fun day?
A: I love playing tennis. I am an avid bridge player (a card gameif you have not heard of it – it was more popular in the past!). I like to tour interesting things with my kids like power plants, garbage dumps, the Large Hadron Collider, Antarctica, missile Silos (Arizona),… I read a lot and watch courses (online or the Learning Company)…

The part I highlighted above states that he loves to read and to watch courses. But what kind of books does he read? To give you an idea, here is a page that showcases them. The question, remember, was about what he does for fun. But, to be honest, I don’t think many people will consider the books on that page fun. As for watching courses… well, I guess it’s quite obvious. :)
So how can Gates consider those activities fun while many people don’t?
The answer, I believe, lies in an important trait he has that many people lack. The trait is a love of learning. In fact, I can’t think of any other explanation of how someone could consider such activities fun unless the person loves to learn.
There is a big difference between those who love to learn and those who don’t. Those who love to learn will consider activities that widen their perspective (such as reading books) fun. Those who don’t, on the other hand, will consider those activities boring. Those are very different ways of viewing the same activities.
This difference can manifest into a big gap between the two groups in the long run. Those who love to learn will absorb new knowledge like a sponge, while those who don’t will actually avoidopportunities to learn. Can you guess which ones are more likely to achieve their full potential?
Love of learning, I believe, is an essential trait to have. We need to have it. It’s even more true given the fast-changing world we live in now. Those who love to learn are the ones who will be able to adapt and thrive. The reason is simple: they are the ones who enjoy learning new things.
But one question remains: how can we have this trait? How can we love to learn?
As with many other things in life, the main thing is to find the motivation. If you can find it, everything else will fall into place. But if you can’t, it will be hard to get anything going.
From my experience, here is a good way to find the motivation:
Have a strong desire to get the most out of your life
Simple, isn’t it? But think about it. If you have this desire, the love of learning will naturally follow. Why? Because to fulfill the desire you will need to achieve your full potential. And to do that, you need to constantly learn. That’s why if the desire is strong enough, learning will become something youlove.
So what do you think? How do you cultivate your love of learning?

Source Via: Donald Latumahina

A Man's Journey From Nepal To Texas Triggers Global TB Scramble

We don't know too much about a Nepalese man who's in medical isolation in Texas while being treated for extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis, or XDR-TB, the most difficult-to-treat kind. Health authorities are keen to protect his privacy.

But we do know that he traveled through 13 countries — from South Asia to somewhere in the Persian Gulf to Latin America — before he entered the U.S. illegally from Mexico in late November. He traveled by plane, bus, boat, car and on foot.

And all the way he may have unwittingly put hundreds of other people at risk of getting the highly drug-resistant TB strain.

That possibility has triggered a far-reaching investigation by the U.S. and other health authorities to track down potentially exposed people around the world. "It's a huge effort that's ongoing," Dr. Martin Cetron, who heads the division of global management and quarantine at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tells Shots.

The case, first described by Betsy McKay at the The Wall Street Journal, provides a window on a problem that health officials say is sure to arise more and more often.

XDR-TB is a more dangerous part of a bigger problem with multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, or MDR-TB.

"We estimate at any one time in the world there are about 630,000 cases of MDR-TB," Dr. Dennis Falzon of the World Health Organization tells Shots, referring to multi-drug-resistant TB. MDR-TB isn't vanquished by the two mainstay drugs isoniazid and rifampin and requires more complicated drug regimens.

In 2007, a young lawyer named Andrew Speaker became the best-known case of MDR-TB when he flew to Europe, potentially exposing other passengers.

XDR-TB is resistant not only to isoniazid and rifampin but also a class of drugs called fluoroquinolones and one or more potent injectable antibiotics. TB germs become drug-resistant when patients fail to complete a course of treatment. When a partly-resistant strain is treated with the wrong drugs, it can become extensively resistant.

There are about 60,000 people with XDR-TB strains like the Nepalese man who's in isolation, Falzon says.

That means there are other people with XDR-TB traveling the world at any given time. Like the Nepalese man, until he got to the U.S., Falzon says, "many of these XDR cases aren't even diagnosed."

Shots - Health News
Quick TB Test Builds Up Arsenal Against Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Shots - Health News
Old Drug Gets A Second Look For TB Fight

Shots - Health News
A Troubling Rise In Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis
To give some idea of the public health challenge, such cases present, Dr. Kenneth Castro of the CDC's division of TB elimination tells Shots that over 700 people were thought to be exposed to the Nepalese man while he was in the custody of the U.S. Border Patrol.

"Out of those, 60 percent or so are back in their country of citizenship which then leaves many others that are being sorted through to determine if (their exposure) was real or not," Castro says.

But at least those potential contacts were known. Falzon says it's almost impossible to trace people who may have had close contact with the man during his complicated itinerary.

"We cannot trace down a bus tour which happened within, let's say, the space of a few weeks," Falzon says. "And it's very difficult to get details. The person (in detention) doesn't speak English."

The long-haul flight he took from a country on the Persian Gulf to Brazil, which exposed fellow travelers sitting within a couple of rows of his seat, occurred months ago. "We're trying to track down the exact details of that flight and the persons who were exposed," the WHO official says.

TB is spread through droplets in the air released by coughing or sneezing. It requires close and prolonged exposure, so a shorter flight, for instance, is not thought to pose a danger.

Castro says there's no reason to think XDR-TB is more contagious than less-resistant or drug-susceptible strains. "The alarm bells have to do with the consequences of the disease," he says — that is, the two-year, toxic, costly drug regimen necessary to cure the infection.

One big advantage these days, Castro says, is a lab test that can tell within two days whether a patient's sputum contains TB bacilli with mutations that confer resistance to seven different drugs.

"This is a game-changer," Castro says. The TB organism is notoriously slow-growing, so it used to take six weeks to culture it in laboratory dishes and test its susceptibility to different drugs. "The result is that some folks died before results of drug susceptibility tests came back," he says.

The CDC has recorded 63 cases of XDR-TB from 1993 through 2011 (the most recent data available), more than half of them among foreign-born people.

When illegal immigrants with drug-resistant TB are isolated in ICE detention facilities, things get complicated. They cannot be deported until they're no longer contagious, which can require months of complex treatment. Otherwise, they'd pose a risk to fellow travelers.

But Dr. Edward Zuroweste of the nonprofit group Migrants Clinicians Network says just because such patients are no longer contagious doesn't mean they're cured. This requires at least two more years of treatment — often back in a home country without specialists in treating drug-resistant TB or access to the proper drugs.

Zuroweste's group has a contract with ICE to make sure deportees have appropriate treatment. It checks up on them regularly to see if they're sticking with it. He says 84 percent complete treatment, and the rest either disappear or refuse further treatment.

He says the U.S. and other nations should expect to see growing numbers of these difficult cases. "There's no way to ever isolate the U.S. from an airborne disease," Zuroweste tells Shots. "The world is becoming much smaller and people travel a lot. So what we have to do is attack the disease, not the individual unfortunate enough to contract the disease."